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Locator Berechnung
QTH locator calculator
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="author" content="Iacopo Giangrandi" /> <title>QTH locator calculator</title> <style> body { background-color:#c0c0c0; color:#000000; } img { border:none; vertical-align:middle; } table { border:none; } table td { border:none; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; } .table_with_border { border-style:outset; border-width:1px; border-spacing:2px; } .table_with_border td { border-style:inset; border-width:1px; vertical-align:top; text-align:left; } .table_footer { border:none; width:100%; text-align:center; } .table_footer td { border:none; text-align:center; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- Written by Iacopo Giangrandi, --> <h1>QTH locator calculator</h1> <hr /> <form id="qth_locator"> <table class=table_with_border> <tr> <td colspan=3><b>Degrees-minutes-seconds format:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Latitude:</td> <td><input size="1" id="lat_NS" type="text" /> <input size="3" id="lat_deg" type="text" /> ° <input size="3" id="lat_min" type="text" /> ' <input size="8" id="lat_sec" type="text" /> "</td> <td rowspan=2 style="vertical-align:middle;"><input id="CalculateQTH" value="Convert" onclick="return cmd_calculate_qth_dec()" type="button" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Longitude:</td> <td><input size="1" id="lon_EW" type="text" /> <input size="3" id="lon_deg" type="text" /> ° <input size="3" id="lon_min" type="text" /> ' <input size="8" id="lon_sec" type="text" /> "</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3><b>Decimal format:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Latitude:</td> <td><input size="10" id="lat_dec" type="text" /> ° Positive: North, negative: South.</td> <td rowspan=2 style="vertical-align:middle;"><input id="CalculateQTHbis" value="Convert" onclick="return cmd_calculate_qth_dms()" type="button" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;">Longitude</td> <td><input size="10" id="lon_dec" type="text" /> ° Positive: East, negative: West.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3><b>QTH locator:</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Locator string:</td> <td><input size="10" id="qth_loc" type="text" /></td> <td><input id="CalculateLatLon" value="Convert" onclick="return cmd_calculate_dec_dms()" type="button" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3><input id="get_location" onclick="return cmd_get_location()" type=button value="Get current location" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <hr /> <script> <!-- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A few points to check if the algorithm works: // N 48.396, E 11.458, JN58rj // S 30.688, E 25.208, KF29oh // S 47.229, W 67.625, FE62es // N 45.021, W 117.458, DN15ga // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- var str_chr_up = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // Constants. var str_chr_lo = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var str_num = "0123456789"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cmd_calculate_qth_dec() { var lat, lat_NS, lat_deg, lat_min, lat_sec; var lon, lon_EW, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_sec var qth; lat_NS = document.getElementById('lat_NS').value; // Get data from the form. lat_deg = document.getElementById('lat_deg').value; lat_min = document.getElementById('lat_min').value; lat_sec = document.getElementById('lat_sec').value; lon_EW = document.getElementById('lon_EW').value; lon_deg = document.getElementById('lon_deg').value; lon_min = document.getElementById('lon_min').value; lon_sec = document.getElementById('lon_sec').value; lat_NS = lat_NS.toUpperCase(); lon_EW = lon_EW.toUpperCase(); if ((lat_NS != "N") && (lat_NS != "S")) // Check for valid latitude. { document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert('Invalid latitude: only "N" (North) or "S" (South)'); return(1); } if (isNaN(lat_deg) || (lat_deg > 90) || (lat_deg < 0) || (lat_deg == "") || (lat_deg != Math.floor(lat_deg))) { document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Invalid latitude: please enter degrees between 0 and 90 (integer)"); return(1); } if (isNaN(lat_min) || (lat_min >= 60) || (lat_min < 0) || (lat_min == "") || (lat_min != Math.floor(lat_min))) { document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Invalid latitude: please enter minutes between 0 and 59 (integer)"); return(1); } if (isNaN(lat_sec) || (lat_sec >= 60) || (lat_sec < 0) || (lat_sec == "")) { document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Invalid latitude: please enter seconds between 0 and 60"); return(1); } if ((lon_EW != "E") && (lon_EW != "W")) // Check for valid longitude. { document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert('Invalid longitude: only "E" (East) or "W" (West)'); return(1); } if (isNaN(lon_deg) || (lon_deg > 180) || (lon_deg < 0) || (lon_deg == "") || (lon_deg != Math.floor(lon_deg))) { document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Invalid longitude: please enter degrees between 0 and 180 (integer)"); return(1); } if (isNaN(lon_min) || (lon_min >= 60) || (lon_min < 0) || (lon_min == "") || (lon_min != Math.floor(lon_min))) { document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Invalid longitude: please enter minutes between 0 and 59 (integer)"); return(1); } if (isNaN(lon_sec) || (lon_sec >= 60) || (lon_sec < 0) || (lon_sec == "")) { document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Invalid longitude: please enter seconds between 0 and 60"); return(1); } lat_deg = lat_deg * 1; // Make sure lat/lon are numbers. lat_min = lat_min * 1; lat_sec = lat_sec * 1; lon_deg = lon_deg * 1; lon_min = lon_min * 1; lon_sec = lon_sec * 1; lat = lat_deg + lat_min / 60 + lat_sec / 3600; // Calculate decimal lat/lon. if (lat_NS == "S") lat *= -1; lon = lon_deg + lon_min / 60 + lon_sec / 3600; if (lon_EW == "W") lon *= -1; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = lat.toFixed(3); // Display decimal lat/lon (rounded to 3 decimal digits). document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = lon.toFixed(3); lat += 90; // Locator lat/lon origin shift. lon += 180; qth = str_chr_up.charAt(Math.floor(lon / 20)); // 1st digit: 20deg longitude slot. qth += str_chr_up.charAt(Math.floor(lat / 10)); // 2nd digit: 10deg latitude slot. qth += str_num.charAt(Math.floor((lon % 20) / 2)); // 3rd digit: 2deg longitude slot. qth += str_num.charAt(Math.floor((lat % 10) / 1)); // 4th digit: 1deg latitude slot. qth += str_chr_lo.charAt(Math.floor((lon % 2) * (60 / 5))); // 5th digit: 5min longitude slot. qth += str_chr_lo.charAt(Math.floor((lat % 1) * (60 / 2.5))); // 6th digit: 2.5min latitude slot. document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = qth; // Display QTH locator. return(0); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cmd_calculate_qth_dms() { var lat, lon, qth; var deg, min, sec; lat = document.getElementById('lat_dec').value; // Get data from the form. lon = document.getElementById('lon_dec').value; if (isNaN(lat) || (lat > 90) || (lat < -90) || (lat == "")) // Check for valid latitude. { document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; alert("Invalid latitude: please enter a value between -90 (S) and 90 (N) degrees"); return(1); } if (isNaN(lon) || (lon > 180) || (lon < -180) || (lon == "")) // Check for valid longitude. { document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; alert("Invalid longitude: please enter a value between -180 (W) and 180 (E) degrees"); return(1); } lat = lat * 1; // Make sure lat/lon are numbers. lon = lon * 1; deg = Math.floor(Math.abs(lat)); // Convert latitude to deg/min/sec. min = Math.floor((Math.abs(lat) - deg) * 60); sec = Math.floor(((Math.abs(lat) - deg) * 60 - min) * 60); if (lat >= 0) document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = "N"; else document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = "S"; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = deg; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min.toString(); document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = (sec < 10 ? "0" : "") + sec.toString(); deg = Math.floor(Math.abs(lon)); // Convert longitude to deg/min/sec. min = Math.floor((Math.abs(lon) - deg) * 60); sec = Math.floor(((Math.abs(lon) - deg) * 60 - min) * 60); if (lon >= 0) document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = "E"; else document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = "W"; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = deg; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min.toString(); document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = (sec < 10 ? "0" : "") + sec.toString(); lat += 90; // Locator lat/lon shift. lon += 180; qth = str_chr_up.charAt(Math.floor(lon / 20)); // 1st digit: 20deg longitude slot. qth += str_chr_up.charAt(Math.floor(lat / 10)); // 2nd digit: 10deg latitude slot. qth += str_num.charAt(Math.floor((lon % 20) / 2)); // 3rd digit: 2deg longitude slot. qth += str_num.charAt(Math.floor((lat % 10) / 1)); // 4th digit: 1deg latitude slot. qth += str_chr_lo.charAt(Math.floor((lon % 2) * (60 / 5))); // 5th digit: 5min longitude slot. qth += str_chr_lo.charAt(Math.floor((lat % 1) * (60 / 2.5))); // 6th digit: 2.5min latitude slot. document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = qth; // Display result. return(0); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cmd_calculate_dec_dms() { var lat, lon, qth; var deg, min, sec; qth = document.getElementById('qth_loc').value; // Get data from the form. if ((qth.length != 4) && (qth.length != 6)) // Verify string length: only 4 and 6 character strings are accepted. { document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Please enter a valid 4 or 6 characters QTH locator."); return(1); } qth = qth.toUpperCase(); // Convert to upper case. if ((qth.charAt(0) < 'A') || (qth.charAt(0) > 'S') || (qth.charAt(1) < 'A') || (qth.charAt(1) > 'S') || (qth.charAt(2) < '0') || (qth.charAt(2) > '9') || (qth.charAt(3) < '0') || (qth.charAt(3) > '9')) { // Make sure the locator is composed by twho characters and two digits. document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Please enter a valid 4 or 6 characters QTH locator."); return(1); } if ((qth.length == 6) && (qth.charAt(4) < 'A') || (qth.charAt(4) > 'X') || (qth.charAt(5) < 'A') || (qth.charAt(5) > 'X')) // For 6 characters locators, make sure the last two are letters. { document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; alert("Please enter a valid 4 or 6 characters QTH locator."); return(1); } lat = str_chr_up.indexOf(qth.charAt(1)) * 10; // 2nd digit: 10deg latitude slot. lon = str_chr_up.indexOf(qth.charAt(0)) * 20; // 1st digit: 20deg longitude slot. lat += str_num.indexOf(qth.charAt(3)) * 1; // 4th digit: 1deg latitude slot. lon += str_num.indexOf(qth.charAt(2)) * 2; // 3rd digit: 2deg longitude slot. if (qth.length == 6) { lat += str_chr_up.indexOf(qth.charAt(5)) * 2.5 / 60; // 6th digit: 2.5min latitude slot. lon += str_chr_up.indexOf(qth.charAt(4)) * 5 / 60; // 5th digit: 5min longitude slot. } if (qth.length == 4) // Get coordinates of the center of the square. { lat += 0.5 * 1; lon += 0.5 * 2; } else { lat += 0.5 * 2.5 / 60; lon += 0.5 * 5 / 60; } lat -= 90; // Locator lat/lon origin shift. lon -= 180; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = lat.toFixed(3); // Display result (rounded to 3 decimal digits). document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = lon.toFixed(3); deg = Math.floor(Math.abs(lat)); // Convert latitude to deg/min/sec. min = Math.floor((Math.abs(lat) - deg) * 60); sec = Math.floor(((Math.abs(lat) - deg) * 60 - min) * 60); if (lat >= 0) document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = "N"; else document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = "S"; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = deg; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min.toString(); document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = (sec < 10 ? "0" : "") + sec.toString(); deg = Math.floor(Math.abs(lon)); // Convert longitude to deg/min/sec. min = Math.floor((Math.abs(lon) - deg) * 60); sec = Math.floor(((Math.abs(lon) - deg) * 60 - min) * 60); if (lon >= 0) document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = "E"; else document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = "W"; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = deg; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min.toString(); document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = (sec < 10 ? "0" : "") + sec.toString(); return(0); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Geolocation functions. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function, called by the "Get current location" button, will try to // find the current coordinates, if supported by the browser. // If the browser supports geolocation, the function show_position() is // called, if not, show_error() is called instead. function cmd_get_location() { document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; // Erase current coordinates. document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = ""; // Erase corresponding results. document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; if (navigator.geolocation) // Check if geolocation is supported. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(show_position, show_error); else window.alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser."); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is called by the cmd_get_location() function only if the // browser supports geolocation. It updates the coordinates field with the // current position and calculates the coordinate conversion. function show_position(position) { document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = position.coords.latitude.toFixed(6); document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = position.coords.longitude.toFixed(6); cmd_calculate_qth_dms(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function is called by cmd_get_location() when an error occurred while // determining the current location. function show_error(error) { switch(error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: window.alert("User denied the request for Geolocation."); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: window.alert("Location information is unavailable."); break; case error.TIMEOUT: window.alert("The request to get user location timed out."); break; case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR: window.alert("An unknown error occurred."); break; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Init form values document.getElementById('lat_NS').value = "N"; document.getElementById('lat_deg').value = "46"; document.getElementById('lat_min').value = "57"; document.getElementById('lat_sec').value = "04"; document.getElementById('lon_EW').value = "E"; document.getElementById('lon_deg').value = "7"; document.getElementById('lon_min').value = "26"; document.getElementById('lon_sec').value = "19"; document.getElementById('lat_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('lon_dec').value = ""; document.getElementById('qth_loc').value = ""; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --> </script> </body> </html>
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